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Enhanced Capability

Enhanced Intelligence

Enhanced Performance

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world,

Enhanced Intelligence

has never been more important than it is today.

As the electromagnetic spectrum rapidly evolves,

and security threats and opportunities accelerate in parallel,

you need scalable and future-proof solutions that deliver a

sharp strategic edge.

You also need the backing of highly-skilled sovereign partners;

technical and operational experts you can depend on to

optimise the performance, value and sustainment of your

critical electromagnetic warfare (EW) systems at all times.

100% Australian owned and controlled,

Mellori has been delivering precisely this on ADF projects

for more than 20 years.

If you’re ready to enhance the intelligence of your new and existing systems, we’re ready for action.

Three core pillars. 

Infinite strategic advantages. 


Independent testing and customised threat simulations that push the boundaries of your mission-critical systems and personnel. 


Arming key personnel with enhanced capability and operational understanding of core electromagnetic systems through controlled and real-world Ew training environments. 


Pioneering future-facing sovereign EW hardware and software solutions to enhance safety and asset protection in response to known and future threat scenarios. 

Mellori works across the electromagnetic spectrum, delivering innovative EW testing solutions on-site and also from our dedicated facilities across Australia.

With controlled environment and real-world testing capability, our mission is to identify vulnerabilities, challenge your response limits and increase the overall performance of your electromagnetic warfare assets.

Through our new EWAAS (Electromagnetic Warfare as a Service) solutions, we can deliver 100% independent testing and customised threat simulations that test your mission-critical systems without taking your personnel away from their existing roles.

We also offer extensive operational and maintenance support across multiple defence platforms.

Mellori delivers best-in-class electromagnetic warfare training in controlled and real-world EW environments.

Every training commission is bespoke to maximise your return on investment, and arm your key personnel with enhanced EW capability and operational understanding.

Immersive and collaborative training techniques facilitate knowledge transfer of your core electromagnetic systems, maximising team performance across the spectrum.

Highly experienced engineers and technicians deliver enhanced training which is fit for purpose across sectors to facilitate pinpoint monitoring, enhanced protection and appropriate action.

Mellori pioneers future-facing technologies to enhance safety and asset protection in response to known and future EW threat scenarios.

Overseen by highly experienced EW specialists and engineers, we develop sovereign electromagnetic warfare hardware and software applications that are robust, scalable and 100% fit for purpose.

Our research and development team brings decades of market-leading EW knowledge, gained across both military and civilian applications.

We are passionate technology experts who understand the importance of developing innovative and user-friendly EW applications and systems.

Above all, we are committed to outstanding delivery – every time.

Get Enhanced Intelligence on your side. 

Contact Mellori today.

Head Office

11 Bellevue St, South Nowra

NSW 2541 Australia

T 612 4422 8160 E


Supported by Gold Corporate Sponsors

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